Online Tribute

On January 26, 2025, an online Zoom gathering reflected on Randy Kehler’s lifelong work for nonviolent social change as inspiration to continue the fight for a more just and peaceful world. We heard from family members and activists who worked with and loved Randy, as well as viewed several clips from films Randy is in.


Steve Ladd • War Resisters League & Freeze Campaign with Randy
Ben Senturia • Freeze Campaign & Campaign Finance Reform with Randy
Andrew Grant • Zoom host & friend of Randy’s


Mary Liz Kehler • Randy’s sister on the roots of Randy’s activism 
Stewart Burns • Fellow Bay Area draft resister and social movement historian
(Video Clip • from Most Dangerous Man in America and The Boys Who Said NO!)
Robert Ellsberg & Patricia Ellsberg • Randy’s impact on Daniel Ellsberg & the Pentagon Papers
Robbie Leppzer • Director of the film Act of Conscience about Randy and Betsy’s tax resistance
(Video Clip - Intro from Act of Conscience film)
Aaron Falbel • Active with Randy and Betsy in war tax resistance 
Meg Gage • A co-founder with Randy of the Traprock Peace Center
David Cortright • Director of SANE, worked closely with Randy during the Nuclear Freeze campaign
Micah L. Sifry • An organizer with Randy in the Campaign Finance Reform movement
Julia Hansen • Randy’s niece who was inspired by Randy to work for climate justice 
Betsy Corner • Randy’s wife and partner on his more recent activism
(Video Clip - Randy playing piano from Act of Conscience film)
Host Concluding Remarks

Zoom Chat Transcript

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